Asset 1@0.5x.png // is an International tech start-up that delivers a cryptocurrency exchange platform along with personalized satellite exchange development with customizable white label branding tools and 24/7 technical support through its development company,

ICTE Stand-Up Banner

ICTE Stand-Up Banner

The design and slogan of the ICTE Stand-Up banner was ideated and executed within a team collaboration between myself and an associate creative. This print promotional tool was picked because of its portability and concise message for advertising use at blockchain, open source, and cryptocurrency conferences.

ICTE Splash Page

ICTE Splash Page

As conference meetings began to generate momentum within the crypto community, an online presence was an absolute necessity. This splash page was designed for the interim.

Display Advertisements

Display Advertisements

These iconic badge advertisements feature the token symbol to generate product memorabilia. The first display ad. features a mock-up for the mobile version of the trade exchange platform. They both use “block” imagery to remind our users of the fundamental importance of blockchain technology for the product’s functionality. Both images were designed for clickable display google ads and intended for dual use for social media and open source use such as Instagram, Github, and Discord.

Collectible Memorabilia

Collectible Memorabilia

HTU Utility token design and rendered for a physical collectible token to be manufactured to honor benchmarks as the company share holders value increases.

Recommended No. Reeds and suggested materials are for a jeweler to review and deliver the final product.